Thursday, July 24, 2014

TSQ-Travellers' Style Quotient !!

Being from the field of Human resources and breaking my head daily in meeting and assessing people from all corners, we thrive on many quotients. Well we aren’t mathematicians and typically HR professionals are weak with numbers, as they are believed to operate from heart and not brain, but these quotients like IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), SQ (Social Quotient) developed by some learned Men is our daily ammo.

One such learned and intellectual personality (ahem ahem, that’s Me) coined another quotient. TSQ – Travellers Style Quotient. Hey! This is original so don’t scratch your head to recall which book you read it.

How do travellers dress? What do they prefer to wear? If you ask me, my photographs of my travel will put travellers to shame. However A glance around you at any touristy place would give you quite a myriad ways of how people dress while they travel. In England there are tourists from all over the globe. Its crackling summers now. From fringy shorts to almost nothing kind of skirts; from offshoulders to vests; from bare backs down to the cleavage, it’s a delight to sit at one place for sometime and have a good look at this diverse blessing of God.

Back in India, ostentatious dressing is the buzzword even for travellers. Its not a country of minimalistic styles, neither does it go black and blue in winters. Just akin to its colourful culture, the travellers wear from pyjamas to jeans, from sarees to salwars, trinkets to bangles, we love to carry our ‘meena bazaar’ on ourselves.

Iam an extremely lazy and unglamourous traveller when it comes to being stylish. Most of my travels which are on weekends are meant to be a departure from the daily monotony so I would want to dress down and give the office attire a holiday in my wardrobe or some stretching on my washing line. The eyes, lips would also want to take a break by keeping all liplocors and eyecolors at bay. Iam also a little shy of getting clicked, so I dress quite dumb for all my touristy trips knowing I wont be part of the photo album. That 6 year old worn out Lee Jeans to a pair of shorts, few tshirts and the same weather jacket is my very shameful wardrobe for almost all my travels. However my friends made me realise that there are two common accessories in all my sojourns; a red backpack in which I mercilessly stuff my camera, map, notepad, food and water; and secondly my purple shoes. Apparently I have only one pair of good shoes to walk and run and they are my best companions everywhere.

These faithful friends the Red Bag and Purple Shoes provided this great vision for this quirky blog. So my TSQ is certainly pathetic. Iam yet to define a scale on which one could measure their TSQ. However feel free to give a thought about yours and ask your friends about theirs too…

Till next time, dress down, let the TSQ go down the curve, and enjoy your travel!