Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Hidden Gem of English Heritage – Canterbury

On a bank holiday earlier this year when I felt frustrated as I didn’t join any of my friends for a trip to Europe, I aimlessly surfed the ‘must visit’ places of England to find a place to go on a solo day trip. In hindsight I feel blessed and thankful that I made an uninformed, random choice to visit Canterbury only to discover a hidden gem loaded with history.

Canterbury is truly an inspirational city in the beautiful county of Kent. I did not really find it listed in the 'Must See' places websites, however it will be in my list for those who are sucker for history and have a long stay in England to devote a day or two for this visit.

Few would know at the back of their hand that Christianity has its genesis in England in Canterbury. The first church of England, St Martin's is the oldest living parish and is nestled in a quiet corner beyond the City center. 

St Martin’s has few visitors other than the locals who come here for prayers. I apparently happened to attend the afternoon service on a Good Friday which was serene beyond words. The Church has a large resting place for many notable families and personalities from the 4th century. St Martin is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

A google search on Canterbury will lead you to one 'Do Not Miss' monument and that's the magnificent Canterbury Cathedral. It was difficult for me to find the entrance to the Cathedral as it opens up at the end of a busy street. However after going around it couple of times, i finally ended up to see a very interesting facade in a busy market square.

Founded by St Augustine in 597 AD who was sent to England as a missionary, this Cathedral has seen centuries of history of invasions, plundering and renovation. I was totally intimidated by its mammoth edifice, the honey colored tall Romanesque spires, and people like ants spread around to take a click from every possible angle of this beautiful monument. Joining the St Martin Church, this cathedral is also a part of the World Heritage Sites.

The interior of the Cathedral is mindblowing. I was awed by high arches, exquisite stained glass depicting various events in history, statues of saints and bishops. This Cathedral has its own share of secrets and gory past. The most talked about assassination of Bishop Thomas Beckit has gone down the relics of history.

The Cathedral has a strong pillared Crypt. There is an esoteric atmosphere in every corner of the Crypt. While I went around the pillars and altar, I felt as if there are stories untold to the world buried here, truths never to be revealed and mysteries awaiting to be unraveled.

The third one of the Canterbury World Heritage Site Buildings is St Augustine Abbey. Completely in ruins, this is a very less visited site by tourists. This was a monastery used by St Augustine for educational and religious purpose. Today there are only few leftover dilapidated walls, graves and a lush green scenery all around. One needs to buy a ticket to view the Abbey ruins.

There are plenty of other places to see in Canterbury like the Chaucer’s Tales, the very modern Marlow Theatre, The Beaney Musuem, the riverside walks and a plethora of pubs with very quirky names. However in the chronicles of my travels, the visit to these three iconic world monuments will be etched forever for being replete with tales of the bygone English history.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! Feel like I've teleported to Canterbury after reading, good attention to detail, i'll make sure I don't miss visiting this wonderful place, next year during my trip to England.
