Tuesday, August 5, 2014

If it could go on....Orchestra Concerts not to be missed in England!

I would not rate myself a music aficionado. I am just a cheap consumer of music of all sorts which makes me run faster on treadmill or curb some insomniac nights or just for any moment for pumping up my adrenaline. However i would definitely put Music on my "Top Five companions of Life" list.

Staying in England one cannot help getting addicted to music of all sorts. From street musicians to high profile performing artists, one can find every rhythm to soothe one's sense. In couple of my travels within England, i was coaxed by a music loving friend to attend Orchestra concerts, the idea didn't excite me nor was it too repugnant, so i gave in. What i experienced was so beautiful and soul stirring, i decided it to share with all fellow travelers who are music lovers and travel to England, to keep few hours of their visit to attend an Orchestra show.

Oxford : The City of the Learned and the Artists

My first experience of attending a concert was at the very famous Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. This theatre is a masterpiece of architecture built in 1669 and has beautiful frescoes on its walls and ceilings. The concert I attended was to commemorate the 700+ years of Magdalene College in Oxford.

Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, UK

The choir came in immaculately dressed in black. Violins, Drums, Saxophones along with Opera Singers, they performed the famous 'Dream of Gerontius' by Edward Elgar. My eyes were shut in bliss as the music went thru its high and low notes. For a person who doesn't really understand fine music, i would say it was an amazing experience which one shouldn't miss.

A Choir performance in a Cathedral : Winchester and Worcester

Cathedrals have historically been performing such concerts producing famous works of artists. Those who happen to stay in Cathedral and parish towns may find this as a way of life.
Another of my beautiful experience to an Opera was at Winchester and Worcester Cathedrals. The intimidating interiors, tall columnar walls, arches and grandeur of such large notable Cathedrals is already mesmerizing.

Winchester Cathedral, Wincheshter, UK

To sit in one of the rows and listen to a beautiful rendition, for me it definitely would be once in a lifetime experience. I was really fortunate to attend Mozart's requiem, one of the most famous and mysterious work of the remarkable artist.

Worcester Cathedral, Worcester in preparation for the Three Choirs Festival

While i may not have understood the finer nuances of these performances, i still felt extremely moved and transported to a blissful world with these lovely symphonies.

I would highly recommend music and instrumental lovers to attend one such concert while in England.

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