Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall in Love with the postcard town of Inverness, Scotland

What would you do if you have a summery evening at hand in Scottish Highlands? Iam sure the mere thought of it makes you want to push back your chair and soak in the romantic aura of beautiful countryside of Scotland as you would have visualized from movies, books and umpteen youtube videos.

I was fortunate to have an evening to myself in Inverness, far north of Scotland which cradles in the beauty of the sapphire blue waters of River Ness and a real picturesque view of  the churches, castle and old edifices along the river banks. Once cannot help falling in love at this dreamy, idyllic small Scottish wonder.

Captured few breathtaking views as i saw them thru my best camera, my eyes!

View of the city from the Bridge across River Ness. 

River Ness with its crystal clear blue waters. The row of trees flanking the sides gives it a thick guarded look while the castle overlooks the river on a hillock

The water of River Ness ripples and glistens with the reflection of the trees flanking its banks. Small eateries and pubs nestle in between gives this town a postcard look from every view point.

Inverness Castle which is not a Sherrif's court is not open to public for viewing. What one can enjoy is its beautiful facade and the envious positioning of this structure on a gentle hill from where you can see some breathtaking scenery of the entire town and River Ness

Possibly the most photographed pub of Inverness. Right opposite to the Inverness Castle, this is always packed with lovely people savoring some Whiskies and food. The Castle Tavern is such a lovely cozy place, i can bet you wouldnt want to leave this quaint and warm Scottish pub.

And this one would probably be my favourite view from an equally wonderful viewpoint. Inverness town, the Bridge cutting it across River Ness as seen from the foothills of Inverness Castle. A real postcard breathtaking view, you cannot get enough of clicking these views even if you spend few hours or days.

If you are to visit Scotland, a visit to Inverness should be squeezed in. Its peaceful, small town look and feel with breathtaking scenery will certainly make you fall in love with it. It took me many days to come out of the inertia of the beauty of Inverness.

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